The first thing we want to say is, Thank You!
Even though we can’t answer every email or personally thank you for every uploaded flash game, we appreciate everything you do to help this archive grow. And to our Patreon members, you keep the servers online and the service speedy, we can’t thank you enough for that!
Join Our Patreon if you can help. <— [CLICK]
Jumping into 2021 with a brand new piece of software that works on a completely new backend wasn’t easy, there were some discouraging emails sent to us because we weren’t favoring quantity over quality.. but we met our goals and exceeded them!
It’s an exciting new year and the best way to help the archive grow is to keep doing what you’re doing.. Uploading, Requesting, and becoming Patreon members, and most important of all.. enjoying the flash games!
Again, Happy New Year!